Wednesday, November 28, 2007

bunnies in the snow

Today I was paroozing my good friend Nataly Kim's website...her art is so inspring. Lately I have been looking at who around me within my friends and family I am greatful for. I don't do it often enough...isn't that life haha..but when I do I am so BLOWN AWAY

I'm thinking of starting an artist collective...teaming up with friends who are talented and strong indipendant players in the art and music good.

I'm also starting a band with my sister Veronica Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket we are tentativly calling the band HOOT. Realllllly folk stuff...I'm thinking of even getting a banjo in the mix..hell yes.

I also am trugging through this factor grant application stuff.. I wrote out an in-depth marketing plan for this next year as well as long term goals...LOTS of great stuff I am excited for and will keep you posted on.

Jess showed me the first draft of the new website and I am eager to share it!!! soon soon

watch this , and order his cd if you want to better your life!!!...serious.

Reeve Carney

love you all

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