Friday, September 28, 2007

haute couture drivers tests

HORRAY I got my drivers test out of the way this morning...much to my procrastionation haha.
So turns out my sewing machine doesnt have a needle anymore which means these dresses I am making for next weeks photo shoot will truly be couture ( all done by hand) ...kill me...uhhhhh well it will be fun?... I'm using Christian Dior Couture as my inspiration. Vanessa and I are using juxtaposition as our concept for the title of the album : Tales of Ordinary Madness...taking everyday things and doing them in a very Outlandish way..which in reality pretty much sums up my personality... crazy dresses and heels while moving logs,,,or playing piano in a gown in the swamp just because it seemed like a great idea at the time.. should be hilarious. Can't wait for the shoot. Wish me luck with my sewing.

This saterday I will aslo be playing 3 acoustic songs at the Great Hall on Queen West and Dovercourt for the Blanche Nuit festivities...the party is appartently going on till 7 am! hopefully I'm on early because god knows it's way past my bedtime.

I have to go memorize songs and sew up a storm..more soon I promise


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