Monday, September 24, 2007


Yesterday was a dream forming to reality for me. To have live horns and strings on this album is beyond a treat...The players were all so good and so so so nice. I am on cloud 9 right now. I can't express to you guys how much I feel this album has grown from the's like a complete 360 forward. The songs I've writtren are mature, introspective, and done with patience, and ALL done from the heart. The arrangements are fine tuned and have that vintage 70's soul, blues,vintage vibe...with classical thrown in and horns to warm the songs....AHHHH! I'm so proud...and it's not eveen done yet and I NEVER say that. I am so blessed.

It's amazing the one thing I was petrified about going on medication for was that I didn't want to lose my creative edge... and altough it took me a while to notice this... it hasn't gone fact even though I am not hyper active and suuuuuuper exitable these days I have this calm sense of peace that allows me to fish through my river of thoughts and ideas and catch the right ones for supper to mold, cut, cook and create into beautiful works of art. It's such a new day for me and I am continually being re-affirmed I am on the right path.

I'll be back in the studio this week to start on the next two songs...we are doing them in pairs. Oh! also, my beautiful cousin Nikki was in the studio with me yesterday and took A LOT of video when I get a moment I will sort through it all and make up another dorky video.

Later this week I'll be having a photoshoot with the ever so increadible Vanessa Heins!! YAY there may be some piano's in swamps, outrageous outfits, crazy even dangerous shots....we shall see. Can you tell that dress-up was my favourite game to play as a kid...that and "lets-sing-every-disney-song-out-of-tune-on-the-can" hmmmmm I was an interesting child haha...speaking of here is a photo to last you till I get the others from the studio up...

smile! have a great day,

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