Saturday, September 22, 2007


The sun is my favourite colour right now ...a warm cadmium orange, mixed with yellow ochre, and a dash of strawberry windsor newton ink...ahhhhh like my favourite dreams.The pine trees are snowing pine needles and the wind is brushing back and forth like strokes on a canvas. I woke up this morning with dry coughs haunting my evening, tossing me back and forth to the point of me finally getting up to just start my day:) It's amazing what a dash of oregano oil under the tounge can do for you!! I should wear it in a vile on my neak for christs sake,,"ok amanda don't go using the lords name in vain this early in the day" hehe...oh I'm bad.

So it was brought to my attention through various emails in response to my last post a.k.a.Nature Walk With Amanda that yes it is confirmed I am a HUGE DORK. This is something I have toyed wih in the past, perhaps I could go as far to say as it was my childhood bully phrase...and by that I mean when I was a wee lass gap-toothed, afro-haired, skin and bones, freckles,such pale skin it was almost translucent to the point where you could see rivers of my viens floating under my epidermis like a map I would get hassled on a lot in the school yard...and the bullies name of choice was : "YOUR SUCH A HUGE DORK!" or haha my other favourite "WHATS YOUR NAME?....a-MAN-DUHHHHHH!!!!!" oh lovely childhood recollections.

Today my very very very good friend :
( sorry I didn't(LINK) that...I'm on a pc right now and it wont let me use that application haha) is comming over to spend the day with me in the country. I'm so excited!! he is my favourite artist of all time and such a funny, down to earth, eccentric lad.

Which brings me to sunday! ohhhh how I wait for thee... I am back in the studio this time with : A VIOLINIST, A 3 PIECE HORN SECTION.. Seriously if I could describe to you the happiness this brings me I would...It's been my life long dream to have live strings and horns on my music...and it's finally all comming together. It just goes to show patience brings a lot into your life. Well , mine anyways..

O.K. I'm off to go eat some breakfast and sit outside listening to the crickets jump on the dew covered blades of grass...

more later

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