Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Its just past the afternoon and the air outside is warm...I went to the dentist this morning and to get blood work and back home I came to load up some logs for the winter. It's quite amazing actually just how excited I am this fall. In years previous I always was in fear of the winter at this point alike the times I was afread to go to sleep as a child incase of a nightmare.

I'm going into the studio again now on Sunday because this head cold is still sort of hanging on for dear life...BUT " I AM HEALTHY I AM HEALTHY" ...good mantra. Tonight I am going to work on some older songs to try and arrange them better for the sessions in Chicago. Seems like time has flied since I got back home. I am so happy to be right where I am instead of the hustle of L.A. streets. Clean air....ahhhh clean air.

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